Kutumba Cruise Plan

April 2024: Ugadi Celebrations – News Coverage
Feb 2024: Bale Namo Tulu Kalpuga – Tulu Classes

April 2023: Sammilana

Gallery & Coverage

Nov 2022: Charitable Services Update
Kutumba is delighted to share that we were able to raise $22,222 towards Kentucky flood relief cause. Here is the Thanks note message from Honorable Governor of Kentucky, Sri. Andy Beshear. Please click here for all the charitable updates and accomplishments.
August 2022: Eco friendly Lord Ganesh making using Salt

August 2022: Krishna Ashtami and Ganesha festival 2022

May 2022: One year celebration publication in India Udavani paper

April 2022: One year celebration publication in India TimeofKudla
April 2022: Speech by Veena Bannanje. Article published in India karavali newspaper

April 2022: Ugadi Prabha: Pre recorded program available in youtube

March 2022: Matrimonial Service inauguration

Feb 2022: Shivarathri Sambrama

Nov 2021: Tulu classes inauguration event on Nov 28th 2021 – 8.00 PM EST
Guest of honor and keynote speaker : Dr. Shri Kabbinale Vasantha Bharadwaj
Chief Guest: Dr Smt. Rohini Udupa Lead Instructor: Dr Shri Guru Prasad

Oct 2021: Unique lecture from Dr. Deepak Sarma ,a renowned scholar and a professor on the celebration of Shivalli Kutumba Vijayadashami

October 2021: Chinthana – Manthana sessions about Mankuthimmana Kagga
Presented in Kannada, Tulu and English.

September 2021: Virtual Astami and Ganesha Chaturthi event

August 2021: Chinthana Manthana: His Holiness Sri. Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamigalu

August 2021: Shivalli Kutumba Event with Navika USA

August 2021: First Shivalli Kutumba Magazine

July 2021: Kids Summer Camp

June 2021: Yakshagana Workshops – Kids & Adults

June 2021: Newsletter / Magazine updates
The first quarterly newsletter/magazine of Shivalli Kutumba is targeted to be published in Jul-Aug this year. We are gathering articles like essays, write-ups, poem, stories etc. from the Kutumba members. whats app messages, emails are sent to all the Kutumba members.
May 2021: Kutumba Members are participating in NAVIKA. Updates coming soon.
May 2021: Shivalli Inaugural publication in Udayavani, Karnataka news

April 2021: Ugadi Celebrations
We are celebrating the National(USA and Canada) level Virtual Ugadi celebrations on April 17th , please look for the updates in the Ugadi Celebrations page .2024 Ugadi News Kutumba Members are participating in NAVIKA. Updates coming soon.
April 2021: Membership Information
We started receiving the membership fees , if any one wants to join or interested in joining, please visit the membership information page
April 2021: Shivalli Inaugural publication in Times of Kudla News